;redcode-imt2 ;name Those Lovely Banananana-na dakrys ;author mjp ;strategy decrement -> dat clear ;assert CORESIZE==80 && MAXPROCESSES==80 && MAXLENGTH==4 && MAXCYCLES==800 gate equ (magrat-2) dat 0 , 6-gate magrat djn.f #-1 , gate end magrat ;redcode-teenie-weenie ;name Chihuahua Chalupa ;author David Moore ;assert CORESIZE==80 && MAXLENGTH==4 && MINDISTANCE==4 && MAXPROCESSES==80 aaa equ 27 spl #0, 0 spl @0, >(aaa+1) mov.i }-1, >-1 mov.i #1, aaa ;redcode ;name Petit Mal ;author Ransom Smith ;strategy |One-Shot ;strategy |Minimalization of the ;strategy |hopefully-soon forthcoming ;strategy |"Grand Mal", which took me ;strategy |quite a while. ;assert CORESIZE==80 jmz.f #-2, {0 spl #0, 0 mov -3, {-2 djn.b -1, }-25 ;redcode-94 ;name invicta ;author John Lewis ;strategy Jump Jump Jump ; I love the idea of the four liner. I have lots of code ; that works under these conditions. I'll just have to ; plow through them to find the best one. This one is ; the best so far. dist equ 21 spl #0,#dist+3 mov }-1,>-1 mov -3, <-35 djn dist, <19 ;redcode ;name R-clear ;author Ken Espiritu ;strategy clear ;strategy one pass 1.5c clear -> multiple clear streams/gate ;score:249.581253 age:7 ;assert 1 ORG START START SPL.B # 0, < 0 MOV.I < -1, < -1 MOV.I < -2, < -2 DJN.I $ -3, < -3 ;redcode ;name 00 Clear ;author Christian Schmidt ;strategy simple d-clear. ;strategy Works much better than ;strategy my 4-line stone/imp :-) ;strategy Not very optimized.... ;assert 1 gate equ (clear-2) clear spl #0, gate djn.f -1, {gate b dat <-26, <27 ;redcode-imt2 ;name Philosopher's Stone ;author John Metcalf ;strategy stone taken from my LP warrior ;assert CORESIZE==80 sStep equ 6 off: mov >sStep, {-sStep sto: mov >sStep*2, 1-sStep*2 ; incremented add off, sto jmp sto, off ; incremented ;redcode ;name MyGunIsQuick ;author P.Kline ;assert CORESIZE == 80 ;strategy stone then imp ;title is from a Mike Hammer novel m0 mov mm ,{mm djn.a -1 ,mm spl #0 ,<-5 mm mov -7 ,1 ;redcode ;name hehehe ;author Anders Rosendal ;assert CORESIZE==80 bomb dat #start,last+2 start spl #last+1-bomb,last+2-bomb mov.I *bomb,>bomb last jmp -1,0 end start ;redcode ;name Little scare ;author Beppe Bezzi ;strategy Blu Funk like stone ;assert CORESIZE==80 step EQU 36 start spl #-step, -step, step-1 add start, stone djn.f stone, ptr mov.i db, -1,}-1 ; copy the code jmp -3,<-2 end boot ;redcode-94 ;name Dumb_Luck ;author Kevin Brunelle ;assert 1 ;strategy This has protection against imps and uses just dumb ;strategy luck as it fires one data statements backwards from it's ;strategy starting point. ;strategy I don't think this will do very well, but I want to see ;strategy just how it stands up among other warriors. org start start mov.i data, -1 mov.i data, 21 mov.i * -12, { 0 mov.i > -29, { -2 djn.x $ -2, $ -3 end 0 ;redcode ;name Target Practice ;strat So named because that is what I expect ;strat it to be in the coming tournament. ;strat But it is the best I could find so here it is. ;strat Basic D-clear with djn.f trap. ;author Brian Haskin ;assert 1 spl #1, 1 mov 2, >-4 djn.f -1, >-5 dat 1, 7 end ;redcode ;name Mini-Me ;author WFB ;strategy Entry for the 4-line IMT contest. Last minute warrior with absolutely ;strategy nothing new or tricked up to give it a chance to do remotely well; but WTH? ;assert 1 start spl 1, <3 spl 0,<2 mov 1,<1 dat -4,-5 end start ;redcode-94nop ;name pumpkin 4x ;author simon wainwright ;strategy silly mov.i {20, {10 djn.f #40, <-4 mov.i 2, <-4 jmp {1, }1 end ;redcode ;name Nano paper III ;author Maurice Fernández STEP EQU 17 paper spl.b 0, STEP mov.i }-1, >-1 spl paper+STEP+1, <-10 jmp paper+1, <-10 ;redcode ;name Obvious ;author Leonardo H. Liporati ;strategy An obvious stone ;assert CORESIZE==80 value equ 46 start spl #-value, {value add.f start, 1 mov.i <0, 0 djn.f -2, {start end start ;redcode ;name A Little Something ;author Planar ;strategy simple stone ;assert 1 stream equ (const-4) ptr equ (const-3) bomb equ (const-1) org const const spl #-1, -26 loop mov.i const, 38